Our family always resorts to natural health products before trying over the counter products. I am definitely not against medicines, and believe at times it is necessary but we do prefer to treat our ailments with natural health products.
BeeYoutiful is a Christian company that believes in healthy living in the real world. Their philosophy about medicine is very similar to our family’s view. They believe medicine is necessary in urgent care situation. However, there are many natural methods of treating every day ailments that they strongly believe in.
Our family received the following products in the mail sent by BeeYoutiful.
- Miracle Skin Salve retails at 15.00
- Ow! Ease retails at 15.00
- All Natural Lip Balm retails at 3.00
- Berry Well retails at 19.75
I was highly impressed with the prices, quality, and quantity of the all of the natural health products provided by BeeYouthiful.
How the natural health products worked for Us
Included with our all natural health products was DVD, BeeYoutiful Views, that gave detailed instructions on how to use the products properly. I found this DVD very informative and believe will answer all newcomers to the natural health products world.
Miracle Skin Salve is truly amazing. We used it for diaper rashes, ant bites, and open cuts. I can’t say it healed any quicker than over the counter, but I do believe it was just as effective and much safer than using an over the counter product. A little bit will go along way.
Ow! Ease is probably the product I used the least of just because we didn’t have much bruising happening, but will continue to use as needed. You can put Ow! Ease on any closed wound. It’s great for the diaper bag or in your purse especially if you have busy little ones.
All Natural Lip Balm is wonderful. I am a sucker for any natural lip balm that keeps me from having dry chapped lips. And it had a nice mild taste, too! I keep it in my bathroom drawer and apply every time I exit the potty room.
Berry Well doesn’t surprise me! They are currently out of stock. It was very effective. I used 3t every time I had an allergy flair up! I started breathing easier and it helped ease my sinus headaches within 20 minutes. I have to admit, it does not agree with my taste buds. It resembles prune juice, however, I definitely can tolerate it. I only resorted to Berry Well when I had an allergy attack. I did not take on a daily basis.
BeeYouthiful is a company that I will be glad to support. Their prices are very reasonable and the quality is outstanding. I much rather support a Christian home business than the local Walmart.

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I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.
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