
Each year we add at least one new tradition to our anticipated advent season.  Our traditions continue to grow each year.  I diligently try to keep Christ in Christmas each year.

Here is how we celebrate this excited season each year…

*  I wrap 24 Christmas books and place them under the tree.  Each night one of the boys unwraps one of the books and we read that Christmas book.  On Christmas day we read the best story of all ~ the Bible.  If you don’t have enough Christmas books then go to your local library.

* Second we eat by candle light each night.

*Third, we light our advent wreath each night.

*  Fourth, each year I buy the boys a new ornament and mark their initial and date.  When they leave home they will take their special ornaments with them.  Each ornament has some sort of meaning for that particular year.

*  I take the boys to the Dollar Store and they buy each member of our family a gift that they think will be a blessing or something they will enjoy.  Honestly, this is one of the highlights of my the season to watch them each have their shopping cart and see the gifts they pick out for each family member.  They are very creative with the gift choices.  For example, one year one of the boys bought my BIL a dish scrubber because he thought he needed to help my sister with the dishes more often.  LOL!

* For our newly tradition this year  we will be decorating our Jesse Tree each night and doing our devotion. This devotion includes scriptures and family discussion.  It is really going to be a blessing to our family.

Last year, we read as a family, Jotham’s Journey.  The rest of the sequel will be out for next year.  Next year, I want to incorporate an advent chain.

Also, we do some sort of giving each year.  The boys are involved in that process.  Whether it is simply praying, preparing, or delivering the product.  This is the focal point of our season.  Christmas is about giving and not receiving.  This is such a hard message to instill in children and most adults.

Enjoy your Advent Season!

Rocksinmydryer has heaps of wonderful tips.