We had a fabulous time in Houston visiting my parents last week. The boys and I drove down last Sunday morning. We left at 7:30 and arrived at 11:30. The boys were wonderful in the car. Thank you God, for DVD players in the car. LOL!

We had an eventful week despite that it thundered and rained almost everyday. We went to the Natural Science Museum to see the Frog Exhibit, dinosaurs, and the planterium. Grahm and my mom decided to skip the planetarium and view the butterfly exhibit. He loved it!!!!

We went blueberry picking one day. It was so fun!!! The boys and I loved it. We ended up with 10.5 lbs of blueberries. We had blueberry pancakes, blueberry cobbler twice, so far. I have several other things that I want to try, too. There is nothing like fresh blueberries! To top off the hot morning, we had snow cones. Grahm picked about 3 blueberries and ate them. Then he decided that it was much easier to pick them off the ground…..YUCK!!!!!!!

We went to lunch, dinner, and the boys went swimming when the weather permitted. I think they spent half the time at the pool waiting for the thunder to stop. Anyhow, it was exciting to finally watch the oldest 2 jump off the diving board. They have been ready for at least 2 years now. They finally got the courage. AMEN! I thought they were never going to jump.

We drove home on Saturday morning ~ very uneventful ~ cow count…..LOL!! But I am very grateful that we made it home safely. God is so good!!!

Here a few photos….


