One of the main reasons we have felt led to homeschool our children is to teach them the truth about HIStory!
After all… it is HIStory! I have no idea how you can possibly leave God out of this subject. The principle approach teaches how God had a hand in all of history, especially when the pilgrims decided to take the plunge and sail to the New World.
Dayspring Christian Academy offers families an interactive, self-paced course, The Pilgrim Story, consisting of five units totaling 17 lessons complete with assessments and ideas for further study, such as, crafts, application, live action, map-making, and much more to make the lesson come alive.
The unique lessons are geared towards grade 3-6, but can easily be adapted with school aged children.
Each lesson takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. Enrichment activities will take additional time. Students learn to take ownership of notebook, an important concept of a Principle Approach education. Each lesson also comes with student note sheets and a vocabulary list to print if desired.
Lessons include: King Henry, Geneva Bible, Liberty of Conscience, LeavingGr Leiden, Conditions on the Mayflower, Building Christian Character, the Mayflower Compact, and much more. Students witness the providence of God in the lives of the Pilgrims and the founding of America.
Take a peak at The Pilgrim Story Introduction
How it Worked For Us
My 6th grade son is absolutely fascinated with The Pilgrim Story. He enjoys working at his own pace and answering the questions after each lesson. I require him to take notes during the lesson. If he answers all the questions correctly, I do not require him to print the vocabulary and notebook pages. We are notebook homeschoolers, so he creates his own notebook pages per lesson. My son has narrated the lessons to his younger brothers at various times, so I know he is retaining the information.
However, we had major technology issues trying to implement The Pilgrim Story. Apparently, the course does not work with the browser, Chrome. We did finally get it to work with Firefox. Dayspring Christian Academy were very responsive when I contacted them. We still were unable to view the Geneva Bible lesson.
We were highly impressed with The Pilgrim Story and will continue to view the lessons and create our own notebook pages as time permits. I think it is a wonderful resource that teaches history from a Christian perspective while utilizing the principle approach, but I think the cost is a bit steep for the single income homeschool family. You can purchase The Pilgrim Story for 99.00 on Dayspring Christian Academy website.
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