I have to admit that the title alone, Help, Lord, I’m Getting Ready to Start Homeschooling My High Schooler, totally sold me.  Next year we will have a HIGH SCHOOLER!  Of course, my dh and I have been pondering and discussing what we truly want our childrens High School years to consist of and how we are going to approach it.  We truly want to guide and assist our children in their God-given gifts and prepare them for adulthood in a Godly manner.  What we don’t want is to provide them with a traditional education with lots of textbooks and classes just for the sake of making their High School School transcript look equipped.  On the other hand,  we want to prepare them for college if that’s where God is leading them.

This ebook, is exactly want many others and I need to feel secure with our homeschool methods.  It includes over a dozen testimonies from families who have already walked the High School journey. It includes several unusual homeschool scenarios, as well as many diverse approaches.  But one thing all these families have in common…..They all seek God for direction.  GOD IS FAITHFUL AND HE IS A REWARDED OF THOSE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. A quote from this ebook, “No matter what you choose to teach for the High School years, what curriculum you choose to use, or what path your child chooses to follow, your reward will be great as you seek the One Who created your child for His glory and to fulfill His purpose.”  A light bulb went off in my head.

Nuts and Bolts:

~ can be purchased at TOS Magazine Schoolhouse Store.   For more products from this publisher click here

~ The cost is 12.45

~ comes solely in ebook form

What sold me:

~ Instantly download – comes in ebook form

~ All testimonies are written from  Godly seasoned homeschool families that have successfully graduated their children from  High School

~ Loads of scripture references

~Do’s and don’t s  for each family

~ An enormous amount of suggestions from a non-traditional approach of schooling

~  a little biography at the end of each story about the homeschool  mom

~  Authors’ Recommended Resources List ~ This includes books, magazines, CD’s, web sites, bible scriptures, as well as many other general helps to assist you in the High School years

One improvement that I would like to see about this product is that it would be made available in print or CD format for those challenged by the file size.   122 pages to be exact

Please note: This ebook does not include a list of curriculum per se.  So if you are looking for a planned scheduled curricula for the high schooler, you will not find this in this particular ebook.

This ebook is an immense blessing for me as I continue to approach the High School years.  It encourages me to follow God’s will and to concentrate on the gifts God gives my children.  Is it worth the $12.45 ? Absolutely!  It is worth every penny and then some for the encouragement these families provide me as  I continue our homeschool journey throughout the High School years.  I CAN DO THIS with God’s help!

Not sure if this ebook is for you.  Then take a peek. (Scroll down a bit on the page)