The boys and I were given the informative opportunity to view the physical 2 math tutor DVD's, known as The Pre-Algebra Tutor:  Volume 1 and The Texas Instruments TI-84 and TI-83 Tutor.  Both were sent to us from the owner, Jason Gibson.  Mr Gibson is truly a remarkable mathematician in our opinions. My boys think he is "so smart!"  I have to admit I am truly impressed with Mr.Gibsons ability to teach mathematics in a thorough and non-threatening way, meaning my ds13 who despises math completely understood his teaching methods.  I highly respect that he teaches math principles rather than just have students memorize  meaningless rules.

First, we viewed The Pre-Algebra Tutor: Volume 1 which was a true blessing for the boys since they are actually studying Pre-Algebra this year. In this 5 hour colored video tutorial, the following topics are covered……

Disk 1
 Sect 1 – Real Numbers
Sect 2 – The Number Line
Sect 3 – Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To
Sect 4 – Absolute Value and Adding Integers
Sect 5 – Subtracting Integers
Disk 2
Sect 6 – Multiplying Integers
Sect 7 – Dividing Integers
Sect 8 – Powers and Exponents
Sect 9 – Order of Operations
The actual cover of the DVD caught my ds12 eye.   The DVD cover stated that he would have a better understanding of pre-algebra and would result in higher grades.  Yes, I have a perfectionist.  We decided to view the lesson on exponents since the boys were struggling with that particular concept in their current math curriculum..  Mr.  Gibson, the actual tutor, started the lesson with basic definitions that guided the student in a deeper knowledge of the topic itself.  He utilizes real life terms and examples to make the subject real to the student.  Use of several different colors on the board, aided my boys in recognizing the different steps in each problem.  Towards the end of the lesson, the tutor gives numerous problems for the student to analyze. The boys honestly felt that they had a greater understanding of math after they viewed just one lesson.
The Pre-Algebra Math Tutor Vol 1 can be purchased at MathTutorDVD. This is highly worth the low price of  26.99.  You can see several demos here.

Second, we had the opportunity to view The Texas Instruments TI-84 and TI-83 Tutor .  Needless to say, I never ever understood this crazy calculator even when I owned one in High School and College.  So I had a spark of interest under my belt. The only calculator that my boys were familiar with was the $1.00 one at Walmart. So I suggested to the boys to get out their Walmart calculators since we don't own one of these nifty high tech calculators.  Even though we don't own a TI calculator, we learned several features on our own cheapo model.  Mr. Gibson descriptively introduced us to the many features that these calculators are capable of delivering.  The boys said, " WOW, this gives a whole new meaning to a calculator." So we will be saving this incredible wealth of information on this 8 hour colored DVD when the boys reach higher math.  This DVD is a must for all students in High School math and higher. See demo here.

Just like the previous math tutor dvd, Mr. Gibson is the actual tutor teaching in The Texas Instruments TI-84 and TI-83 Tutor.  To view all the topics that are covered in this math tutor click here.  The comprehensive DVD teaches students to use all the major functions of the TI-84/TI-83 graphing calculator by working example problems.

This math tutor can be purchased for 26.99 at 

My honest thoughts regarding both products….

*  product is reusable and can be used with any math curriculum
*  can be used with all learning styles
*  no teacher preparation or knowledge (gotta love that. lol!)
* teaches math principles
*  much cheaper than paying a math tutor
*  He went a bit fast during the problem solving at the end of the lesson for my math struggler, but we were able to pause when needed
*  I just wish Mr. Gibson had a full curriculum to purchase.  I love his teaching approach!

Math Tutor DVD offers numerous of other products, too.  Also, Math Tutor DVD now offers an online subscription model  whereby for 19.95 per month you can watch ALL courses right in your web browser.  This is extremely beneficial for large families with various math levels.

Read what my crew mates think of the Math Tutor DVD click here.

I received a free these DVD's for the purpose of writing an honest review. No other compensation was given.

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