I have often seen the signs of a spoiled child in my own children. More than I like to recall, I have overlooked the obvious.
Call it denial or plain out laziness.
But I am to blame for my children portraying signs of a spoiled child on a consistent basis.
Of course, kids are going to be kids. They were born sinners just like all of us. It’s only natural for children to think that the world evolves around them.
However, when they are in the toddler years and can carry on a conversation with you, it’s our job as a parent to put a stop to this unruly behavior. If you don’t put a stop to it immediately, you are in for a very rocky road in your parenting years.
There is nothing worse than having your child act uncontrollable in a public setting and you have no idea how to handle the situation gracefully.
I have 6 children and we’ve had some unhappy trips to Walmart. I remember envying those mothers shopping alone at Walmart.
But there is hope. You must take action and recognize the signs of a spoiled child.
Signs of a Spoiled Child
- Throws Temper Tantrums. If your child throws a temper tantrum at home and in public when they don’t get their own way, your child needs to learn this is completely unacceptable. There will be an occasion tantrum, but if it happens weekly, you need to put a stop to this behavior. I found that when I tell my children in a calm manner that I will not be listening to their tantrums and leave them crying on the floor (at home of course), it only takes a few tantrums for them to catch on that throwing a fit doesn’t result in a positive result. If you respond and give in to this behavior, you can guarantee it will happen over and over again.
- Not Helpful. A Child who does not like to help others are in he mindset of being selfish. If they complain that they don’t want to clean up their toys, and you always do it for them, your child will have the belief that everyone will do things for them. Of course, it’s appropriate to help the child when they are young to clean up their mess, but they should be able to do it by the age of 3. (Maybe not to your standards, but at least they are helping and making an effort)
- Refuses to Share. Any child who refuses to share, needs to be reprimanded and taught that sharing is a part of life. We all need to learn to respect others property when being shared with too. After all, it’s not our belongings, it’s just on loan to us by our heavenly Father.
- Ignores You. Ignoring you when you speak to them, is the utmost disrespect and means they are only concerned with themselves. They don’t believe there will be consequences for their defiant behavior.
- Doesn’t like to Play Alone. If you have to keep your children entertained constantly, you have trouble on your hands. Children should be expected to be able to play by themselves at times. There is nothing wrong with playdates or park day, but if your child can’t be happy unless entertained, you will burn out and you will go to bed exhausted.
- Rude to Adults. You as a parent should have no tolerance for rude behavior coming from your child to any adults whether they are family or friends. We are to respect our elders. If they don’t have respect for you than they certainly aren’t going to respect other adults.
- Controls your Life. When your child’s life controls yours, you are jeopardizing your marriage and your other callings. God first. Marriage second. Child third. A child needs to witness a healthy marriage relationships and friendships. The child should fit into the family’s schedule not vice versa.
Like I mentioned, I am still constantly working at raising my children to love the Lord and others. I must make a constant effort to watch out for these 7 signs of a spoiled child and act appropriately. I totally get it…sometimes it’s just easier to ignore the situation. Parenting is truly a blessing, but it’s so hard. However, we don’t get a second chance on raising our babies. Before you know it, they are teens.
Thank goodness for His new mercies everyday. I still don’t have this parenting thing down after birthing 6 children.
Don’t expect immediate results when you start working on a specific area, you didn’t get a spoiled child overnight. Just don’t give up no matter how tired you are. The rewards will be a child who loves you and respects you in the upcoming years. I have to admit, I’m still waiting for those years in some of my children, but I’m not called to be their bestsie, but their parent. It hurts sometimes. I’m experienceing this exact thing with one of my older children. You know how it is…Teenagers have life all figured out!
Today’s education is tomorrow’s government
~Abraham Lincoln
Do you agree with the 7 signs of a spoiled child?
Your pin caught my eye on Pinterest and I had to read. Since you asked, I disagree with many of your signs of a spoiled child. Instead of viewing kids as spoiled, I try to view them as needing to be taught something. This is how I see the 7 behaviours: #1: Kids having regular temper tantrums need help learning to express their upset emotions in a more appropriate way, or for their feelings to be acknowledged so they can move on. That’s still not allowing them to get what they want from having a tantrum. #2: I agree that helping your kids too much can be a disservice to them. I would view this as a need to be taught more independence, rather than labeling them as selfish. Kids are self-centred – that is a part of their normal cognitive and emotional growth. #3: While you obviously have different opinions here about sharing, most kids struggle with this – and even most adults do. I don’t think kids should be expected to share everything. I think kids should be able to have some things that are just theirs. #4: I think that the more connection you develop with your kids, the more they will automatically respect you and want to listen to you. I do not believe this stems from being defiant, I believe it stems from a lack of connection. #5: I agree with you on this one about it being exhausting. Don’t agree that this is a sign of being spoiled. Kids need lots of attention and love to grow and be emotionally healthy. The more we can give them the better. Some kids need more than others. #6: Yes – kids need to learn our expectations for respect and it does start at home. I believe the best route to getting our kids to respect us though is to respect THEM. #7: An interesting debate. I agree that marriage comes first, then kids. If you and your partner are not happy and stable, you will have a hard time giving your kids what they need. However, I believe that once you have kids, you have agreed to allow your life to change. Sometimes that means making accommodations for the special children in our life.
In summary, I do not really agree with the term “a spoiled child.” I guess. Instead, I try to view children’s challenging behaviours as areas to teach, coach and provide more positive modelling. And LOVE and UNDERSTANDING always – are the most important gifts we can give our kids. Best, Sue
Thanks Sue for your input.I appreciate your thoughts.
All children who are spoiled or selfish need to be taught something. And of course, if there are children with special needs the family will have to adapt. I was speaking in general terms.
I agree children should not be expected to share everything, but when you have a guest or the child is at a playgroup, they need to share. If they don’t want to others to play with that certain item, they don’t need to take it out during the playdate. We all are born self-centered, but it doesn’t make it right to be selfish.
The point that I was trying to portray was that if you as a parent do not address these issues, your child will be spoiled.
Thanks, Sue for chiming in. It’s always a benefit for my readers to read others point of views. I believe they appreciate it.
I also found you through Pinterest, and I agree with Sue Lively’s comment above, as well as one below that discusses processing disorders. My son is one who requires a lot of attention. Is it exhausting sometimes? Yes. But is it a “spoiled” characteristic? Not necessarily, no. In our case, and the case of many children, it’s a sign of healthy attachment as well as a part of his outgoing personality. It requires patience to provide what he *needs*, like stimulating activities, frequent playdates, neighborhood walks, and participation in community preschool. As for tantrums, inattention, etc – we’ve all been there when one or more of our children are testing boundaries and we’re trying to teach them something calmly and patiently for the 20th time. It’s one of the most natural, normal, and expected parts of parenting. And some of what can be viewed as “bad” or “spoiled” in the context of childhood can actually be great assets in adulthood. Taking my son as example again, he’s very adventurous and curious, which means his attention is on his environment and I’ve had to learn how to redirect his attention when necessary during pubkic outings. Later in life, this trait will serve him well academically and professionally, especially with the tools of redirection he’s learning now. Anyway, I’m just saying that all us parents and all our kids are in the same ol’ boat in need of hugs, understanding, and the occassional kick in the pants. 🙂
Agree 100% with this. Kids dont come out perfect and then we mess them up, they are flawed and its our job to teach them.
I keep wondering if this is a personality type, not that they should be allowed to act such ways, but my daughter is ALL of these things… with a lot work, I’m able to help her change these behaviors but these seem to be her natural born default personality! Where my son, has almost 3 and my friends 2 step children have almost one (sometimes doesn’t want to share) and the other child has none. I’m torn about lists like this. I can’t see how children will ever measure up to these. I never did any of these as a child, so can’t relate to her and don’t know how to help, train, or change her behaviors… Could it be that the older they get that they grow out of these traits and it is not being spoiled? No one would EVER say I’ve spoiled or do spoil my daughter! She catches Biblical disciple for every infraction, rod and reproof as the situation deems.
I totally agree that it is a personality type. Some children just need more training in some areas. We all are created differently. Some of my children require more discipline and love than the rest. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just how God created them.
I don’t want you to feel torn…you can’t change your kids personality, but you can help them deal with their difficulties. Yes, they will grow out of a throwing a tantrum in public (maybe not, I’ve seen some crazy adults in the store, lol) in the later years, but if you don’t address these behaviors now their selfishness or spoiled behavior will result in some other form of behavior.
And just remember, none of us will ever measure up. We are all born sinners. It’s just how we choose to handle this situation is what is important here.
Kids will be spoiled if the parent doesn’t take action. And it seems like you are taking charge of the situation. So please give yourself some grace.
As a preschool teacher for many years, if a parent brought me these concerns and I knew they were a parent who was trying their best, I would do an observation to assess their child for a processing disorder, executive function disorder (things similar to AdHd), and sensory processing disorder. Many times when kids have good parents but seem to have a “spoiled” temperament, it is well worth taking a look at the child’s individual needs. When kids have sensory processing issues, they often get overwhelmed in public places and whine, have meltdowns/tantrums and seem spoiled. They may not be able to verbalize their feelings, so they will either lash out or latch onto something. Occupational therapy for kids who hate loud places, crowds, are picky eaters, will only wear certain things can be a tremendous help. Sensory issues do not go away over time and are very hard to deal with as a teen and adult.
Children who can’t focus, organize their thoughts, have trouble with their short term memory, and are impulsive have trouble being helpful, sharing, understanding how to play alone because sequencing play and knowing the rules of play is difficult. Because of their impulsive behavior, they may get frustrated easily and become rude and strong willed. However, for these children, their motivation is usually good- they need adult assistance to learn skills to slow down, think things through, etc. They are usually very remorseful and compassionate. Supplements, medications and behavior therapy is helpful for these kids. Getting help from your school (504 plan) or homeschooling is a good idea for all these special kids.
To me, “spoiling” is an adult issue….instead of labeling the misbehavior of kids, let’s try and find out WHY?
Blessings to you!
I totally agree with your suggestions about sensory disorder, etc. My post was referring to parents who ignore the situation. Children who are spoiled will later become spoiled adults.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
This was an interesting read. My first son was spoiled rotten and now we’re facing the hard task of trying to reverse that. Our hope is that we don’t make the same mistakes with our 3 year old, so like you all said, we’re trying to teach him differently. A friend of mine told to check out a book called “Help! I’ve Created A Brat!” by Chantal Kayem, http://www.chantalkayem.com.au , and it’s got some great tips to help turn around a child’s behavior. It might be helpful to some other parents too. Thanks for the post and sharing your opinion! As a mom I understand that I can always learn more and reading what other people have to say about a topic or reading about an experience really helps the learning process!
I love your list. I agree with everything you said. We live in such a humanist society & forget that The Lord calls our hearts desperately whicked, that’s includes our “precious angels” aka children. I know many children with diagnoses of everything from down syndrom to ADHD & they behave just fine with some accommodations to their needs but they aren’t brats like their counter parts who simply have parents that rather blame a condition or character. We make so many silly excuses & they are completely unscriptural. However we have become a sort of believers who deny the word of a God & look to modern day humanist opinions for how we should raise our children.
This definitely caught my eye. I, as a mother of two boys, ages 8 and 5, wonder if my children are acting selfishly. I see in many areas where they are doing just that, being selfish children. Even right now as I type, they are playing and fighting over whose superhero gets to capture the bad guy.
I appreciate lists like this. Many times, it takes someone else pointing out that this is wrong behavior before parents will do anything about it, mainly because they think it is normal. It is normal, sinful behavior. The Bible says that ‘foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod will drive it far from him.’ Seeing a list like this helps me to stay on top of things as a parent, especially as a mom of boys. I want my boys to grow into godly men who will one day lead a family, a church, or even this country. They need to learn to share at appropriate times, be respectful to all adults, even when an opinion is expressed different then their own. They also need to learn to walk alone, but know that God is always with them, even in the fire.
Thank you for sharing your heart. I enjoy getting your updates, although I don’t always get to read them right away. Which is sad, because I have missed out on some awesome stuff you’ve had.
Have a blessed day!
You are so welcome, Keya.
I am so tickled that God has used BBAD to bless you. Giving Him all the glory.
I disagree with the term spoiled. Spoiled is when no one is taking the time to remedy the behavior. It’s giving in to the tantrums. Kids can experience never getting what they want and still throw a tantrum. It doesn’t mean they are spoiled.
An example of spoiled. My aunt took her then 2 year old to the store. He was screaming for cooking funnels. She didn’t need them and yet bought them in order to keep him from screaming in the store. This is spoiled. Letting the child scream through the whole store or leaving without anything and then returning later shows that a parent is not spoiling their child.
The concepts shared here are concerns for sure but not a sign of being spoiled. It’s a sign of something to be taught or dealt with depending on what it is.
Sometimes it’s a parent that needs to change. Maybe kids aren’t listening because we aren’t actually communicating but rather yelling or speaking in terms they don’t understand. When I make sure my children understand what I want they do what I want. It’s amazing some of the simple misunderstandings because I thought one of my children understood what I was asking.
Sometimes there are other issues. Health issues, age issues, etc. A child can be totally cooperative most of the time and then have a day where they aren’t. Does this mean the child is spoiled? No. It means something is going on. It could be as simple as them not feeling well.
In many ways I find what I read about parenting in this article was good. There is good advice here when I can get passed the incorrect use of the word spoiled. Spoiling is a parent problem period. It’s always a sign that parenting needs to change. It never shows a problem with the child.
I totally disagree with this. I teach boundaries & communication in adults (who have never learned BOUNDARIES in life and so now do not have them) – – what all of this boils down to is what the author wrote in the begining – “a spoiled child becomes a spoiled adult.” If you let a child scream through the store, you are letting them control your life – that IS, in essence a spoiled child. They NEED to know boundaries (what is acceptable and what is NOT) and consequences. Unfortunately for very small children – they do not understand when you try to REASON with them…I have seen this happen in the store with a parent trying to “reason with” a 2 year old child. No means NO — plain and simple.
If you do not understand boundaries (most people are not taught these in life and then are expected to raise children) take a class on them – these are the basic rules and principles we should be teaching our children, and NOT doing so is actually a disservice to them. I have been in psychiatry for over 25 yrs and the main reason for spoiled children, is that the parents are too busy trying to be “their friend” rather than a responsible parent. This means setting boundaries — nothing builds character better, and if you do not set them — children will push – push – push until you do. They only want to know where the line in the sand is. Simple as that. Letting them rule the roost ends up in disaster.
Thanks for this comment on boundaries Jill Sanders!!! I’m the mom of three kids, two of which have issues beyond the normal child. My oldest is ADHD and OCD, our youngest is Fetal Alcohol and also has attachment and trauma issues from being in foster care and from her time spent with her birth family. People could easily view my “special” kids as spoiled or misbehaved in a public setting, but no one that doesn’t know my kids personally or me personally could know the amount of time and energy I spend daily trying to work on things to be better for my kids and my family. The time I spend in Gods word and in prayer. People often view my “special” kids issues as “my fault” that I somehow messed up or spoiled my kids. But if this were the case, why is my middle child not like this?! Why is she not exhibiting the same exact behaviors? It’s because she doesn’t have the sensory issues my other two have that overwhelm them in loud &/or crowded places. She doesn’t have a brain that has issues chemically or because it never developed due to exposure to chemicals that never allowed it to. I think parenting can be down right hard, and rather than be judgemental toward that parent with a tantruming child or misbehaving child we should all take time to show them grace like our Savior shows is grace. Pray for them, you can never know from just “seeing them” in the store what is going on with a child emotionally or mentally. Being a foster/adoptive mom has really opened my eyes to many things in this area.
My son turns two in two weeks and I have already had issues with him throwing fits. I’ve tried walking away and it doesn’t seem to work. I’m hoping its just his age and he’ll grow out of it. I also have problems with him hitting me, he doesn’t usually hit other people except my four year old niece. I know that he hits her because she tries to take things from him or he wants something she has. I’ve tried everything I can think of to stop this behavior and it hasn’t worked. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Oh and I stay at home with him I don’t know if that makes a difference.
I think the first step is to recognize the behavior. And you have done that. So kudos to you!
I’m not a child psychologist , but just a mom with 6 kids. I agree fits are an age thing, but I do believe they develop into more serious issues later on if they are not addressed properly.
As far as your child hitting you, I would not tolerate that at all. That is total disrespect. I would be spanking him harder to make sure he wouldn’t think of doing it again. I am a parent who believes in spanking. Fortunately, I can’t even remember the last time I had to spank my children, but I do believe in that form of discipline and believe it’s biblical. (I’m sure I will get my inbox full of hate mail over this comment).
However, you know your child best. Two of my children do no react to spanking and would think going to bed early would be more detrimental. On the other hand, if I just raise my hand, the others would cry with just the thought of that form of discipline.
And when I would walk away from my kids when they were throwing fits at home, I would seriously listen to them scream for 30 minutes in another room. Thank God for smart phones, I just would find something to entertain myself while they were doing their business.
Throwing “fits” during childhood is normal and a part of growing. Try to stay connected and let him know you are there are will help guide him through the difficult time. Being loving and supportive doesn’t mean you’ll be “giving in”. As far as hitting, that’s also normal for young children. He needs to have gentle touch modeled for him again and again. When he goes to hit, firmly but gently say, “Don’t hit. Hitting hurts.” Then proceed to show him nice ways of touching …such as rubbing or giving a high-five. If he has lots of anger built up, maybe giving him an old pillow to hit could help as well. Whatever you do, PLEASE don’t hit or spank him. To tell him not to hit while hitting him is absolutely absurd. Children are tiny and weak compared to adults …they need our love, compassion, and guidance …NOT our backhand on their bodies.
I agree with some commenters that labeling a child spoiled because his needs aren’t being met properly can be detrimental in many ways, not to mention psychologically damaging. Meeting a child’s needsdoes not mean giving him what he wants, but may mean letting his feelings be heard and understood, which is deserved. I have a hard time giving much further attention to parenting discussions when threatening physical violence and performing acts of violence is recommended to prevent the child from expressing emotions the parent may find uncomfortable, and may not have the knowledge or skills to deal with in a manner showing the child the same sort of respect the parent demands (not to be hit). It is after all possible to correct children’s behaviors without striking the fear of you into their hearts forever. It may get you what you want in the short term , the child to just be quiet, but in my personal opinion This will lead to more problems In the long term much larger and impactful even than “spoiling” the child.
Well that’s a lot of rubbish!
My 3yr old throws tantrum, sometimes over things she wants and sometimes over things we have no idea what it’s about, it’s what toddlers do, they all do it even if people don’t like to admit it!
my daughter often helps set the table, tidy up, help wash the car, put clothes in the washing machine and other days she won’t. She can share, (iv’e seen it) it depends on the child usually or what she is sharing. Cake is a no share but her dolls house is.
It’s not about her being spoilt, it’s about her being a grumpy three-nager.
Ok, definitely have a spoiled child, now how do I fix it? Any links? TIA
There’s always hope! Every child can be “unspoiled” with some effort and prayer! I love the Child Training Bible. Be gentle and tell your child you’re going to be doing some things differently from now on to make your home more peaceful.
Check the posts pinned here:
I disagree with these being signs of a spoiled child. Rather these are symptoms of a brat. My daughter is really spoiled and she happily admits this. However, she is not a brat and does not nor has she displayed the signs listed above. I think it’s important to recognize the difference and to teach children the difference.
I disagree with these signs as well. I have a 14 yr old, 2 yr old and 1 yr old. When my 14 yr old was a toddler she threw tantrums a lot. This wasn’t due to her being spoiled, this was due to her working through her feelings that her daddy was deployed. My 2 year old only throws tantrums when she is tired and/or hungry. There have been many times I’ve stopped her tantrums with asking if she was hungry. She stopped and would say eat please. My 1 yr old only cries when his needs aren’t being met. I honestly believe that’s what a lot of attitude is about, no matter how old, that persons needs aren’t being met. I always talk things through with my children and turn the situation back to God. Right now my teen is acting out because after being an only child she has to share mom and dad. There are other factors to her attitude right now, most being change of situation and not being able to do the things that we used to do as a family. As always I lead any situation with her back to God. I wouldn’t call her spoiled though. She doesn’t get her way, but I do figure out what her need is and I try to fulfill that need. I have happier children when I do that.
Enjoyed reading all the comments! I am a 61 yr. old grandmother, with 22 grands, and raised 8 children. I have worked with children for over 40 yrs. I do agree with the author of this article, but also some others who commented. I would like to say that as a country our children today run their homes, schools, and any other place they are allowed. Parents seem to feel badly about everything, like saying no is a punishment or abuse. Children need to be trained and disciplined, as this is part of love! As a society we are spoiled, and feel entitled. This will come out in our children on the whole, unless we ourselves begin to change. Loving a child is different than spoiling them. Not training a child for his future as an adult is both harmful and neglectful. It is much easier to give into the demands of a child than to teach them, and allowing them to suffer the consequence of their actions.(This is real LOVE) Parents of history trained their children to be adults, and to take responsibiltity for their actions. Today we want to label them and makes excuses. What is spoiling? Look up the word? Something that is spoiled is no longer useful. I am not saying our chidren are no longer useful, but if you have spoiled your child, you have helped them to become unuseful in their adult lives, being co-dependent, abusive, or unable to cope on their own. Now they can learn skills as adults, but it will become much harder and difficult to learn.. We as a western society think it our responsibility to make our children happy! It is not our job!!! We are to teach our children how to be happy or joyful no matter the situation, as joyful and happy come from with in not from outside! We have labeled our children, and identify with their labels instead of allowing them the freedom to develop and overcome individual challenges. That is our job as mature adults and parents to help our children overcome any difficulties they may have, and growing into the most independent person they can become given their abilities. Not an easy job, but very rewarding none the less. IF we feel sorry and indulge them because things are not as they want, what have we just taught the child? Life is not perfect or easy. What better place to learn this then at the loving hand of parents. But if not taught they will learn or they will self sooth with drugs and alcohol,,or other addictions if they do not have the will to perservere and overcome when real life hits them. Even deep depression will and can effect them if they have not been taught on to handle or cope with real life scenario’s. Children who are not taught how to handle their tempers and what to do with their anger grow up and usually bulley their spouses, and children, maybe even co-workers. There are no PERFECT parents, but if you truly love the child, you will discipline him or her, and train them to the best of your ability to be prepared for real life. In return your child will respect and admire your wisdom and friendship!
I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for sharing your heart and wisdom with us.
Gosh I so agree with what you are saying thanks
Very well said, Jacque Davis. I fully agree with you!!!!
My job as parent is to help my children grow into well behaved and well adjusted adults. Always giving in to a child’s wishes, and allowing tantrums when these wishes are not met, does not accomplish this!
And please, there is a HUGE difference between physical violence and Biblical punishment!!!
I found this a well thought-out article.
This, so far, is one of the better articles I’ve read about parenting; and with all the comments above as well. I am going to be a parent soon and having all read the opinions from wonderful parents, as you all are (Jill and all those who gave their comments and shared their opinions) gave me a better direction in the future role me and my husband have to share. And yes I agree with this order of importance – God, marriage and children, with a tremendous adjustment when children starts coming to the scene. Each family is unique, and again, I agree that there are no perfect parents (and no perfect children) but God, who made family His masterpiece can make all things possible to provide the ways and means to resolve such issues, but we have to do our best (seek help, learn to listen to our children, be teachable too, get wisdom and knowledge from the Word and from our parents and elders) and God will surely do the rest. As a family, in God’s eyes, we are made perfect through our imperfections.
Do you really view children as 3rd on a list of importance and not equal to yourself or your partner. How very depressing. This may be the reason for many of the behaviours you have described. Or perhaps they are a result of they many changes children must go through. So many of those behaviours are just natural for young children and we must encourage and guide them to become well rounded, caring, respectful human beings. We cannot do that if we don’t respect the child and the stage of development they are at first and foremost.
I agree, that a spoiled child becomes a spoiled adult, who find it very hard in life, realising that they cannot get along with people, as they wish it all their way. Sharing and helping putting toys away, not fighting over toys, children have to learn the best way to share. The spoiled child will rip the toy from another child and play with it. Only an adult can show how it has hurt the other child. Boundaries, and the same boundaries, routines work wonders in my book. The child know exactly acceptable behaviour and behaviour which is not. I agree some children are very strong willed. Some children need only to be spoken and told once, others four or five times before they get it. Everyone is different. good article thanks
My son has all of those signs. How do I stop that. Behavior.
I do not agree with your religion teaching people that your child comes third.
We are running a house with no religion and our child comes first before each other always before your spouse.
To put anyone including your “God” before your child is utter nonsense and cruel.
I saw this on Pinterest and I won’t be following any of your posts from now on
That told me your advice is Completely superficial
But that’s just my opinion