
April 27, 2009…

Outside my window…
is gloomy, thundering, and the heavens are mad at something

I am thinking…
about how much fun I am going to have tonight hanging out with friends while painting ceramics

I am thankful for…
my wonderful family and the opportunity to be a wife and mommy to my 5 blessings

From the learning rooms…
we are studying the Civil War

From the kitchen…
grinding wheat, making bread, meatloaf in the crock pot with mashed potatoes

I am wearing…
my pj’s, and my suffy leopard print slippers

I am creating…
an adorable apron that I am almost finish and started on a baby afghan for my new niece who should be appearing shortly in this world

I am going…
to paint ceramics, attend our small group, and participate in my monthly book club this week

I am reading…
I just finished reading When the Enemy Strikes by Charles Stanley last night for my book club

I am praying…
that God’s will give us direction, guidance, and discernment in our lives and help me deal with any chances that are going to pop into our lives.  I hate change!

I am hearing…
the soft sound of the computer.  The boys are still sleeping

Around the house…
we are getting the house ready inside to put on the market in two weeks, laundry, and organizing

One of my favorite things…
is to hear my small children sing to their favorite CD at lunch time.

Few plans this week is….to paint ceramics, attend our small group, and participate in my monthly book club this week

Here is picture thought I am sharing…
