
The Lord has blessed me beyond measures this week…. I am trying to look at the things or situations that He puts in my daily living for God’s glory ~ the things that I just don’t wanna do, hear, or just deal with as a blessing from our King. I must glorify Him always!! Because if I didn’t encounter this week….


Tons and Tons of dirty laundry ~ I wouldn’t have my 5 sweet blessings. This really hit home with me this week. I have 2 friends that are as old as me and are single and would give their right arm to be a Mommy and a help meet. How blessed I am to NEVER be lonely. Sometimes I do long for a hot bubble bath where I can just relax and meditate. But, knowing that my almost 3 year old just loves to take a bath with me is far more rewarding. It’s our special time where we sing hymns, pray, and of course play boats.


Cleaning out my kitchen cabinets ~ I am thankful that we have food on the table and we have never missed a meal. I have so many dishes, pots, etc… because I have a large family and have to cook in bulk. Amen!


Cleaning my bathrooms on a daily basis ~ well, this is a tough one for me, but Amen sister that I have a cleaning solution that eats hides the gas station urinal smell in my bathrooms from my 5 poor shooters .


Grading my boys math ~ UGH! But, thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to teach them your Word everyday.


Disciplining my Boys ~ thank you, Lord , that I have the strength and willingness to train my sons in your glory. I want to see them in heaven with me. It may break my heart today, but the outcome of being a mother of Godly men serving the Lord is a reward in itself. Please continue to give me wisdom in training my little men for your battle, Lord.


Visit Crystal at Godisincontrol for more blessed blogger sisters.