May you be encouraged by the Holy Spirit’s words through, Misty today!

Encouragement…..something as parents we tend to look for. Whether it is from our parents, our in laws, or others, we need/want to know we’re doing well at the “parenting” thing.

Let’s stop for a minute. Take our eyes off of ourselves.

Our husbands need encouragement. Yes, from us the most! Daily they’re called to balance work, family, spouse, home, church, etc. That is quite a workload, full of stress, exhaustion, and feelings of failure at times.

Think back for a moment. When was the last time you encouraged your husband?

I’d like to share Noah Webster’s definition of “encourage” with you.


ENCOUR’AGE, v.t. enkur’rage. To give courage to; to give or increase confidence of success; to inspire with courage, spirit, or strength of mind; to embolden; to animate; to incite; to inspirit.

We have the ability to “GIVE courage”, “increase confidence of success”, “to inspire”!

Some days this may not be easy. You may feel let down, distraught….but I know that God will give you the strength to say at least one thing that will inspire your husband ~ encouraging him to keep on keeping on!

Our words can bring life or death to those who hear them. How we say things often reveals whether we really mean what we’re saying or not. Our tone will share either kindness or bitterness with whom we speak.

I am reminded of Proverbs 16:24 ~ “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”

As a child we had a cassette tape called the “Bee Attitudes” and this verse was one of the songs. Whenever this verse comes to memory I “hear” it sung from that tape in my head.

Encouraging our husbands will not only help him, but you as well. Your eyes will be opened, your heart being changed. Look for ways that you see your husband working hard; at his job, playing with the kids, yard maintenance, and time with you, etc. So many times we miss things, taking them for granted, when we could be thankful for them, and use that thankfulness to encourage our husbands!

Today and every day, I encourage you and I hope God inspires you ~ to reach out and encourage your husband! You will see a change in yourself first ladies! It truly is amazing how having thankful “eyes” and a thankful heart will change your outlook on everything!

Begin by letting him know you notice; and that what he does really matters! It brings joy to your life, and fills your heart with more love for him!

Allow your heart to be filled with thankfulness, joy, and then speak your heart! Your words can bring life!

Praying for sweet honeycomb for each of you!

Loving Life Simply Helping Him, Misty

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