One of my favorite household decorations is a snow globe. Most people enjoy putting their snow globes out during the Christmas season, but I think that the right snow globe can be out to be enjoyed year-round. Many tourist resorts and gift shops sell snow globes that portray the local hotspots with glitter instead of snow. Others have beautiful miniature scenes in them, such as a warm beach scene or ocean scape. Recently, my husband even purchased a Star Wars snow globe for his classroom. Yes, my husband is a Star Wars nerd! I guess that makes us a snow globe family.

A Brief History on Snow Globes

Snow globes were originally created in the late 19th century by Austrian Erwin Perzy, and they were known as Schneekugel (snow globe). As a producer of surgical equipment, Perzy’s original goal was to develop an extra bright light source for use as a surgical lamp.  His original idea for the snow globe came from his using different materials used to reflect the light. It is said that the effect reminded him of snowfall. His first snow globe was made with the basilica of Mariazell in it.

Due to the great demand for his snow globes, along with his brother Ludwig, Perzy opened a shop in Vienna, where the family still produces snow globes to this day. The snow used in their snow globes is a family secret as it should float in the water as long as possible.

Many of the original snow globes were made with Christmas and winter scenes in them, as the concept was to represent snow falling. However, over the years, along with the creation of plastic snow globes, they have represented many different types of scenes in them and many different types of snow globes are available. Many snow globes even have music boxes in the base with scenes ranging from scenes representing the holiday season to popular Disney characters, popular icons, animals, military figures, historical scenes, etc.

Snow Globe Writing Activity

I have created a fun activity for your kids to work on to get their creative juices working as they work on their story writing. I have provided a snow globe that they can decorate and color with a scene based on the story that they write using my writing templates. As snow globes are available to represent many different types of scenes, your child’s story and scene do not just have to represent the winter months.

I have provided them with writing prompts to use to create their story, including pages where they can work on their vocabulary and sentence structure to write a cohesive story.

This is more than just a writing project as your child will be able to use visualization to write their story by visualizing their story inside the snow globe. Depending on their grade level, and with a little brainstorming, they can work on descriptive writing and develop a fun story and image.

My writing prompts include:

  • Sensory language prompts based on the five senses
  • A Beginning, Middle, and End page where your child can develop each stage of the story
  • A Character Traits page where your child’s creativity can flow
  • Interesting Introductions page where your child can work on introducing the main character of their story – THEMSELF!
  • And one page for their rough draft and one page for their final story

Once they have written their story, they can color in the snow globe and draw a scene from their story. The snow globe can be cut out and glued onto a piece of construction paper to be hung in the refrigerator for the entire family to look at and enjoy.

After the story is written and the snow globe is completed, have your child work on their reading skills and read the story to the family.

For teachers, this fun activity can be used as writing and art projects, as well as part of your literacy centers. This can also be part of your comprehension activities, where students can work on using different parts of speech words by using Google to expand their vocabulary. This activity can be used for students as young as kindergarten, and your child will be an active participant in their own stories and creation.


What You Will Need

The project can be completed with materials that you should already have at home, including:

  • Scissors
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  • Different color construction paper
  • Glue or tape

Other Writing Prompts on BBAD!

Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away, so please check out my St. Valentine’s writing prompts along with the many other writing prompt resources available for free on my website.

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