For a long time, I have really wanted to enjoy and treat each day as a true blessing with my 5 almost perfect sons. I have struggled with the “doing enough school” thing for years now. I do admit, that I am so much more relaxed than I used to be. However, improvement is still needed. I recently have been intrigued with the Moore Formula. I love the idea of spending an equal amount of time doing the following…
This past week I have read The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook and Home-Spun Homeschool. Lots of good information and encouragement. I encourage all home school parents to get a hold of a few of Raymond and Dorothy Moore’s books. Of course, there a few things I disagree with, but for the most part, I believe they are right on target on how to successfully fill you calling as a home educator.
You might be interested in listening to the series of podcasts I recently did with Ellen Dana who was the assistant to Raymond and Dorothy Moore and with Kathie Kordenbrock who is their daughter. Just go to this link and scroll down to the right podcasts and click on the icon to listen right from your computer. They are both delightful women and offer many great tips based on the Moore philosophy.