Day one:  I had an exceptional day yesterday.  I managed to wake up earlier than the boys and start off my day with Jesus.  With His help, I was able to accomplish the following tasks with a cheerful heart….

homeschool boys ~ all 4 of them

clean toilets

catch up on all the boys laundry ~ YIPPPEEE!!

vacumn entire house

and to work on my afghan I am crocheting for our living room.  See here.

So, I had a productive day, but didn’t complete all my tasks on my list, but felt completely at peace with His will.

Day two ~ today

I woke up not feeling well.  I have had this chronic illness that I am dealing with, but I am getting better everyday.   (It’s another struggle that I will post about later)  First, I homeschooled the boys, worked on all the laundry(boys), boiled chicken and made chicken stock for the freezer, and just tried to take it easy due to the achy feeling that I have been dealing with.  The boys and I will watch a movie together while I work on my afghan tonight.  Daddy works 2 jobs so he doesn’t come home until later.  No regrets on not be able to check off my to-do list.  Will try to catch up tomorrow, of course, if it is His will for me to do so.

Of course, I forgot to mention that I did the usual attending to my children ~ fed, change diapers, bathed, and gave lots of kissed to Sparkie throughout the day.  The younger boys are not feeling themselves due to allergies. A little TLC is in order!  Of course, I don’t mind.  (:

So, that’s my success in a nutshell.  I am at peace.  Oh, my ~ it’s such a wonderful feeling to walk hand and hand with our Savior.