This subject has been on my heart for a long time, but I never could figure out how to successfully implement this important habit without causing resentment.  My children have been enjoying their quiet and/devotional time each morning for over a month now.  In fact, the other morning my 7 year old was reading his bible when I came out of my bedroom for the day before anyone was awake.

First, seek God for guidance in training your children the importance of starting your day off first with the Lord.

Second, you must be a model for your children.  Your children must realized the importance of your quiet time each day.  This is precious. My children know when I have my bible out they are not to interrupt me unless there is blood.

Third, have your children each pick a special place that is designated specifically for their special time.

Fourth, my children have their bible, notebooks, and pencils already ready to go before they retire for the evening in their designated place.

Fifth, ask them how their quiet time was each morning.  Ask them if there is anything they want you to pray for them about that day. Really take an interest in their prayer and spiritually life.  This is a non threatening way to hold them accountable.

I have encouraged my children to spend time in prayer, bible reading, and scripture memory during  each quiet time.  I do not assign reading.  This is their time with the Lord.  Also, I do not read their notebooks.

My 3 year old wakes up and immediately  comes into my lap for a short prayer( I pray with him) and picks out a bible story for me to read to him.  His bible is placed on the coffee table before he goes to bed. So, don’t let age discourage you.  The Holy Spirit works in small ones, too.

I pray that this will encourage you to start your own quiet time if you don’t already have a date with the Lord or give you some suggestions to help your children develop their special time with our Lord.  Lastly, this takes time, don’t get discourage easily.  Just continue to be supportive and encouraging to your blessings.  The Holy Spirit will take over.

For more WFMW, hop to Rocksinmydryer.

Would love to hear some ideas that have worked for your family.