This is my Christmas notebook in a nutshell.  This is my 7th year to utilize this precious notebook.  It’s my dear friend during the holidays.

First, I have a green binder ~ you can decorate it if you must. (: Second, I have 8 divider tabs labeled as followed.

Calendar ~ a blank calendar of December and you might want to put in November, too

Budget/Sales Tracker ~ I put the holiday Budget sheet and also a clear pencil zip lock bag for all my receipts that pertain to Christmas. So convenient for returns.

Gift List ~ I have a main gift list, and one gift list for each child. Also, I include the stocker stuffer page, too.

Crafts ~ l write down all our craft gifts that we make and arts n crafts that we do during the season. I saved them from last year, too. Also, I put any print offs that I get off the internet.  This includes any homemade gifts that I make each year, too.  For example, I made clip boards one year.  This helps keep track of who you gave that particular gift to. Last year, I made crochet toppers for Christmas towels, crochet dish cloths, and crochet scarves.  I would have never remembered who I gave what to if I didn’t have my nifty little form.

Card List ~ this might sound rude, but I have a list of people we send cards to and check off each year if they send us one. Hey, if you don’t send us a card two years in a row your off our card list. Just Kidding!!! Not Really! Print here

Traditions ~ this is a fun sheet to keep each year. Last year, I noticed that the boys loved the spoons my SIL made dipped in chocolate with marshmallows for Hot Cocoa.  Last year, the boys loved opening a wrapped Christmas book and we read it each night. Read more here.

Decoration/wrap Inventory ~ this was so helpful to me this year. I was able to see what we need this year without going through all of our stuff. I wrote it down last year! SO SO AWESOME!  Print here. This years list tells me to make 2 sets of Christmas napkins and to purchase a star for the boys bedroom Christmas tree.  Done!  And no I don’t have my Christmas decor down from the attic, yet.

Recipes/Menus ~ This is where I keep all of our favorite recipes that we have had during the season when we had company. Also, I like to scan through recipes and get ideas. I put them all in this place, so when it’s time to plan our actual Menu for the holiday I have tons of ideas. Print here

Advent ~ our family advent ideas/thoughts. Two years ago, we did a Jesse Tree/study.  Read more on what we did to celebrate advent in the previous  year here.

I keep my notebook in my nightstand all year long so I can write down all the gifts that I purchase during the year. One of the biggest benefits of maintaining a notebook last year was to keep track of all the gifts that I purchased. When you have 6 kiddos ~ it’s so hard to remember who got what.  It’s  especially helpful to write down where you put them, too.  Sneaky Santa tips here.

So get busy and start printing these sheets to a organized Christmas 2011.

Sharing with Works For Me Wednesday today.