
Today is Backwards Day at Works-For-Me Wednesday. Instead of sharing a tip that has worked for you, you’ll throw out an issue or question that has stumped you (preferably not something like quantum physics, y’all). Keep it short and keep it specific, and watch (hopefully) the suggestions come flooding through your comments sections.

Please help me out. This year we are on a tight budget for Christmas. I would like to make our gifts this year ~ not only to save $$$$, but I think that they are more meaningful. Last year, I made these really cute clipboards for everyone. I bought .99 clipboards and decorated them with scrapbook paper, paint, ribbon, etc. I could customize them, too. They were super cute and I think everyone liked them.

So, please give me suggestions for adult type gifts ~ Also, we are exchanging family baskets this year for 10.00 or less with my dh family. Any suggestions here would be helpful. I was thinking about a sundae basket with all the toppings. So, please help me!!! My life will be less hectic if I could start working on them now. I know you ladies are very creative!!! Please include any craft links that you love, too.

Thank you and Happy Holidays ~ hey, I’m the first to tell ya that, right! (: