

I have been training my 2 oldest sons(10 & 9) to do their own laundry for the last 2 months. It has been very successful. The boys each have a designated “laundry” day to wash all their laundry. All laundry must be washed, folded, and put away before 5 PM. The first couple of times, I had to help them sort their clothes and aid them in the laundry process. They are to sort their clothes the night before in the 2 separate baskets. Only once has my oldest son has chosen not to do his laundry one particular week. However, we will not wear dirty clothes. So, when you run out of clothes, you just have to wear the ones you don’t like. LOL! This has yet to happen again! Call it tough love or what have you but it works for me.


For more clever ideas hop over to Rocksinmydryer.