This is new to me and I just love it! Have you ever bookmarked a link and can’t find it because your computer crashed, have too many bookmarks that are so disorganized, or simply can’t remember where you put it because your husband tends to move things around or deletes half your links to make room for his? Yea ~ I know, they never never admit it.

Anyways, fear no more!!!

You can now take advantage of this free site called Portaportal. You can organize all your bookmarks in an orderly fashion and even pick your color scheme to fit your fancy. Even better, you can share all your links with your friends if you chose. All they have to do is sign up under guest and enter your guest name.


Feel free to browse thru my links. Go under guest name and type tonsofsons.

For more WFMW go to rocksinmydryer.